Global Regulatory Compliance

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Special Summer Certification Deals in July and August - China, Mexico and Russia

We have some special certification deals going on in July and August for China (CCC and NAL); Mexico (NOM and Cofetel) and Russia (GOST and Telecom DoC). For more information, please contact: PETER S. MERGUERIAN Go Global Compliance Inc. Tel: (408) 416-3772 Cel: (408) 931-3303 ARPI NAKASHIAN Go Global Compliance Inc. Tel: (408) 416-3772 Cel: (925) 550-1127

Welcome Back Readers

Dear Readers, From time to time, we temporarily de-activate the blog in order to clear up any unecessary material and ensure links are functional. We are happy to get back on line. Best Regards, The Go Global Compliance Team