Global Regulatory Compliance

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Argentina - CNC now AFTIC

In accordance to Article 77 of Law Nr. 27078 "Argentina Digital", the FEDERAL AUTHORITY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND COMMUNICATIONS – (In Spanish “AUTORIDAD FEDERAL DE TECNOLOGÍAS DE LA INFORMACIÓN Y LAS COMUNICACIONES” – AFTIC), started its duties on June 1st 2015 and continues with the activities carried out by the former National Communications Commission - CNC. 

Due to the re-organization process at AFTIC, including management structure and staff changes, we may be experiencing some delays in the Homologation of Telecom and Radiocom products for Argentina.
There has been no announcement yet on how product markings will be impacted. We will be following up with this shortly.

For your South American and other International Approvals needs please contact:

Peter Merguerian
(408) 416-3772 Ext. 1


Sunday, June 7, 2015

Gabon - PROGEC Program: Starting August 1, 2015

The Agence Gabonnaise de Normalisation (AGANOR)  will be enforcing its  Conformity Assessment Programme “PROGEC”  (Programme Gabonais
d'Evaluation de la Conformité) beginning August 1, 2015.

The PROGEC programme verifies the conformity of all regulated products ensuring they comply with applicable national, regional or international standards and technical regulations, protecting the health, safety and environment of Gabon’s citizens from sub standard imported goods. 

Exporters to Gabon will be required to provide a Certificate of Conformity for Customs clearance.

For a list of regulated products, please contact  me:

Peter Merguerian
Go Global Compliance, Inc.
(408) 416-3772 Ext. 1